Article provided by: Wallys World of Dogs

Dog Agility Training Long Island

Dog Agility Training Long Island

As a parent, you always want the best for your child in all ways. The chances are pretty good that you like to have them involved in sports or a variety of extracurricular activities due to all of the benefits they bring. Why not have the same when you are the parent of a four-legged child? As a pet owner, you will see that there are lots of amazing benefits that come from having your canine enrolled in dog agility training in Long Island. The more that you look into your available options and how wonderful it is for your dog, the easier it will be for you to sign him or her up!

Just a sampling of the various benefits that come from having your dog enrolled in agility training includes:


Agility is a bit more than just jumping, running, and coordination. With dog agility training in Long Island, your pet will learn how to also wait their turn until the other trainers and their dogs are finished using parts of the course and equipment. They will have to walk on a leash while in a controlled manner from the start of the course until it is their turn to go through. 

Confidence Building 

Agility training is wonderful for all dogs, not just those that you see in competitions. This is a nice way for you to strengthen your own relationship with your dog while also helping him or her improve their overall behavior or demeanor. Going through agility training will help most dogs to overcome fears they have of strange surfaces, confined or smaller spaces, and also having to move away from you, the owner.

Improved Communication

With any agility training and handling obstacles, it is imperative that your dog is able to listen and understand whatever directions they are given. Agility training shows the owner how to express clear and controlled commands to their dogs. The dog will be taught to be both responsive and attentive to whatever instructions the owner gives. This is a skill set that allows your dog and you to handle distracting or often changing conditions with ease.

If you are looking for a way to bond with your dog and take their attentiveness to a new level, then dog agility training may be perfect. At Wallys World of Dogs, we have a broad range of training options that will help you to bring about the right results, guaranteed. We offer dog training for real life, including options like board and train programs or in-home training programs based on your needs.

Wallys World of Dogs has the dog agility training in Long Island that you need to fit in with your unique situation. We would love to talk with you about how it works and what our philosophy is on dog agility courses. Our team is made up of professionals who are also canine enthusiasts. If you have questions about our programs and any other concerns regarding training for your dog, please give us a call at (631) 729-1664, and we will go over all details with you!

Dog Agility Training Long Island

Wallys World of Dogs
143 Middle Island Rd
Medford NY 11763

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